May is National Tennis Month


Although every month should be tennis month, the tennis industry is coming together to maximize the public’s awareness of the multitude of benefits from our great sport throughout May. National Tennis Month is a great time to celebrate our sport, and we want to continue the remarkable momentum we’ve seen in tennis participation while promoting tennis as the healthiest sport on this planet—a social and fun sport for all ages and at all levels of the game.



The USTA, along with other industry partners and retailers, are committed to providing support for National Tennis Month. Resources for coaches, facilities, Parks & Recs, Community Tennis Associations, NJTLs, and providers of all kinds are available on and include:


  • Downloadable turnkey artwork like banners, t-shirts, and car magnets.
  • Customizable marketing materials, including social media posts, flyers, posters, postcards and yard signs.
  • A customizable press release to use for your local community and tips for reaching out to local media to help publicize your events.
  • Sample proclamations for city councils and mayors to proclaim May as National Tennis Month.
  • Programming and promotional ideas to get you moving, plus a Tennis Event Guide with best practices for effectively building and promoting events.


I encourage all of you to take advantage of these materials, use your creativity and start planning what you’ll do for National Tennis Month. I also encourage everyone to use the hashtag #NationalTennisMonth in your programming and promotions throughout May, and to make use of the digital National Tennis Month email signature (downloadable on the website) as a way of generating awareness leading up to May.


Let’s keep the great momentum of growth in tennis participation going while socializing the health benefits of tennis—THE model sport. Start your planning for National Tennis Month now and encourage those in your community to do the same.


Yours in service,


Brian Hainline, MD (he/him)

Chairman of the Board and President